American Football
It’s that time again of the year; the Super Bowl! The event that many Americans believe should become a National holiday. American football is undoubtedly the most popular sport in America and is now on the rise here too.
Would you like to try something different? Are you a real teamplayer? Do you like rougher sports? And last but not least, do you want to let loose and let yourself go in the excitement? Then be sure to follow a trainingsession with the Antwerp Spartans!
Antwerp Spartans is a Belgian American Football club founded in 2019. They are focusing on developing the sport in Belgium and reach a higher level. Their motto, “Beat Yesterday“, endeavours every player to challenge themselves in order to improve yourself every day
Thanks to MOVE, you are entitled to 3 free training sessions. All the necessary gear is provided. Nothing that stops you from going for this.
More information can be found on the website.